Eva Reid
Owner & CEO - Eva Reid Consulting, LLC
Areas of Expertise
Women in STEM
Male-dominated Industries
STEM for Humanities Majors
Data and Visualization
Imposter Syndrome
FTE + Entrepreneurship
Careers in Government
Project Management
Why I mentor,,,
"So many of the opportunities that I have had in my career were because someone else gave me a chance or a hand up. I want to do the same for others. I also live by the philosophy of leaving a space better than I found it, and that extends to the workplace for women."
To me, ambition means...
"Ambition means setting out to achieve your goals no matter what. Don't let other people's limitations keep you from your plan."
Eva Reid, MPA, GISP is a Senior GIS Analyst and Training Coordinator for the District of Columbia Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO). She has 25 years of experience in information technology, training and project management. Eva is noted for the caliber and creativity of her work as a technical workshop presenter and facilitator in professional, corporate and government settings.
Eva is also the owner and CEO of Eva Reid Consulting, LLC, which provides professional development workshops and career coaching for women in tech and other fields where women are underrepresented. Eva’s commitment to impact the numbers of women who enter the field of technology is evident in her networking and academic activities. She provides leadership and oversight for the DC Area Women in GIS Group and the DC Government Women in Technology Group, and is the Chapter Coordinator for Women in GIS, the international organization.
The native New Yorker earned a B.A. in Geography (Cum Laude) from Macalester College and a Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.) from Arizona State University.
DCFemTech Award for Data 2018
Finalist, 18th Annual Cafritz Foundation Award